Pay your Utility Bill with NexBillPay

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Monthly Trash Payment

There will be a $3 increase to the monthly trash payment on the water bills.  Waste Pro went up on their contractual amount to $17.55 per customer.  However, The City of Purvis has decided to only raise what the customers pay to $16.85 from $13.85.  The City will be responsible for the difference. Please let us know if you have…

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You can now pay your City of Purvis Utility Bill Online!

Good news! You can now visit the Coty of Purvis website and pay your utility bill. Just click on the NexBillPay logo that appears at the top and the bottom of the home page and register there for a NexBillPay account. It’s very simple and will allow you to pay your bill with your credit or debit card! If you…


Meet the Mayor and City Council

On the new home page of our website we have a section that is full of information. There is a tab for information about the Mayor and City Council. We will be adding some bios soon and hope that you take a moment to get to know them!


When are the City Council Meetings Held?

The governing body consists of 5 Council Members and the Mayor. The council sets policy in the city of Purvis, enacts ordinances and adopts the annual budget. Council Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month at 6:00 pm at the Purvis City Hall, 136 Shelby Speights Drive, and are open to the public.