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City Government
WastePro is responsible for the collection of residential, commercial, and multi-family refuse and cardboard collection. The city provides special collections for bulk items such as appliances and furniture. The city is responsible for the removal of brush, leaves, and yard debris. The division superintendent is Eric Thompson.
The Streets Division is responsible for installing and repairing streets, sidewalks and handicap ramps, mowing, street sweeping within the city’s jurisdiction. This includes installation and maintenance of storm drains, catch basins, and drainage ditches along city streets, right-of-ways, and dedicated stormwater easements. We maintain directional and street name signs throughout the city. The division superintendent is Eric Thompson.
Vehicle Maintenance
The Vehicle Maintenance Division provides maintenance and repair of the city’s vehicle and equipment fleet. The division superintendent is Eric Thompson.
Water Distribution
The Water Distribution Division provides maintenance and repair of water mains providing potable water to commercial and residential customers; installs and repairs water distribution lines and water meters in the city; maintains 3 water tank facilities. The Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) is Eric Thompson. Download the 2021 Annual Drinking Water Quality report.
Sewer Collections
The Sewer Collections Division maintains gravity sewer, force main sewer lines, and sewer pump stations. Inflow and Infiltration (I&I) and Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSOs) reduction and elimination are high priority projects within the division. The Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) is Eric Thompson.
Building & Grounds
The Building & Grounds Division has four major functions: grounds maintenance and landscaping, building maintenance, recreation, and custodial. The division takes care of parks, treatment plants, pump stations, public playgrounds and roadside projects throughout the city limits and the downtown area. The division superintendent is Eric Thompson.
Public Input & Identifying Community Needs
Your Public Works Department would like to hear your comments or suggestions on ways to improve the services we provide. Please contact us via email or by calling 601-606-0637.
We are very fortunate to enjoy such an outstanding quality of life in Purvis and the members of your Police Department are committed to making it even better.
We are proactive in crime prevention measures and pride ourselves in community involvement.
We will work to accomplish this by continuing to provide professional police functions to prevent, detect and investigate criminal activities.
- Purvis Badge
- Badge Photo
Crime Rate
The crime rate in Purvis is low and we are determined to keep it that way. We cannot do this alone. We need and must have each citizen’s support.
You can show your support by obeying the law and providing us with ideas on how we can better serve you. Please do not hesitate to call us or stop by the office if we can assist you.
Mission Statement
The Purvis Police Department pledges to provide professional services to the community through integrity, respect, and teamwork.
- Fairness
- Integrity
- Respect
- Service
- Teamwork
Do you have questions about the Purvis Police or a particular service? Would you like to offer a suggestion or bring a problem to our attention?
We are happy to answer any question, and appreciate your thoughts and suggestions. You may send a question or comment directly to the appropriate city department.
If you are not sure to whom you should direct your question or comment, then you may call Purvis Police at 601-794-6512.
Code Enforcement
The City of Purvis peruses code enforcement to help maintain the health, safety, and general welfare of the public. Code Enforcement helps maintain and improve the quality of life in Purvis by ensuring compliance with the City’s Code of Ordinances. The City of Purvis does this through fair and unbiased enforcement actions to correct violations and educate property owners on how to maintain compliance.
Submitting a Complaint
If you have a potential code violation that you want the City to investigate, you can call City Hall at 601-794-2472 or visit us in person at 136 Shelby Speights Drive. Please be prepared with specific details about the condition and location of the property in question.
Common Violations
- Abandoned vehicles left on private property.
- Junked (dismantled or wrecked) vehicles which are inoperable.
- Accumulations of garbage or other refuse materials.
- Appliances, furniture, and mattresses placed on curbs without calling for a special pick-up.
- Any condition that may become a breeding place for pests or create an unsafe condition.
- Poorly maintained grass/weeds that reach 18 inches in height.
Resolving Issues
The resolution timeline for code complains varies from case to case. If the subject of the enforcement action is a bona fide risk to public safety or public health, the response can be very swift as the City will exercise all of its governmental authority and policing powers.
Code Books
Please click HERE to download Volume 1.
Please click HERE to download Volume 2. Warning – this is an 18meg file and may take time to download based on your internet connection.
Variance Application – Download HERE
Zoning Ordinance – Zoning Permit Application – Download HERE
City Hall regulates and permits a wide variety of activities within the City of Purvis. Please see the basic information below regarding the hows, whats, and whys of general permitting processes in the city. Permits and additional information may be obtained by visiting City Hall Monday – Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
The following activities within the City of Purvis require permit approval:
- New business locating to the city
- Existing businesses relocating to a new location
- Existing businesses undergoing physical expansion within the same location
- Remodeling, renovation, or other physical alteration of an existing structure
- The placement of any signage
A permit is required for a variety of reasons to protect public safety and quality of life:
- To ensure that proposed businesses are legally allowable in the proposed location
- To ensure that structural alterations are safe and compliant with the city’s requirements
- To protect the integrity of the city’s utility system
Click below to download permit forms:
The City of Purvis Human Resources provides administrative and personnel support for the departments within the city. This support includes benefits administration, personnel programs and policies, and additional human resource functions. It is also the responsibility of this department to ensure legal and ethical decision making with respect to policies and procedures.
The City Attorney is appointed by and serves at the pleasure of the council. The council fixes the compensation of the City Attorney. The attorney has the following duties:
- Prosecute and defend suits for and against the city
- Advise the mayor, council, manager, clerk and other city officials with respect to legal matters connected with the affairs of the city
- Attend all meetings of the council
- Draw all legal documents connected with the affairs of the city
- Draw proposed ordinances when requested to do so
- Inspect and pass upon all agreements, contracts, franchises and other instruments in which the city may be concerned
- Perform such other duties as may be required of him by virtue of the position as city attorney.
Duties and responsibilities of the City Clerk.
Mayor Roger Herrin
City Attorney Bill Ducker
Alderman at Large Wendell Hudson
Alderwoman Ward 1 Donna Bielstein
Alderwoman Ward 3 Jerry Smith
Alderwoman Ward 4 Deborah Ferrell
The water / sewer utility billing is handled at the City Hall located at 136 Shelby Speights Dr. All new residents of Purvis will need to visit this office Monday – Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5 p.m. to apply for water and sewer service.
Your bill is always mailed on the first of the month. Payment is due on the 10th. After the 10th, a $5 late fee will be added to the current bill. A second notice is mailed on the 15th if no payment has been received. Water service is turned off for non-payment on the 25th of each month. If your account is paid after the 25th of the month you will be subject to an additional $50 re-connect fee.
Download the 2021 Annual Drinking Water Quality Report here for the City of Purvis.
Accounts disconnected for non-payment are assessed an additional charge of $50 for re-connection.
A customer deposit of $125 is required for new service to an owned residence.
A customer deposit of $150 is required for new service to a rental unit.
These deposits are held until service is terminated and all accounts settled.
The city’s charge for checks returned unpaid, for any reason, is $35.
As part of our utility billing, customers are also charged for garbage collection and the disposal of their garbage at the county landfill. This is a mandatory charge for all households in the city with the exception of commercial accounts who may be served by a private hauler. The current combined cost of collection and disposal is $13.85.
While we want to provide the best service that is possible, there are certain restrictions on what we are allowed to pay for. The City is unable to provide plumbing work on private properties.
Payment Options
The Water Department currently accepts cash, check, or money order. A drop-box is conveniently located outside City Hall for payments made after hours and will be processed the next working day.
If you need additional information, contact City Hall at 601-794-2472.
The City of Purvis Streets Division is responsible for the installation and repair of streets, sidewalks, handicap ramps, mowing utility strips and right-of-ways, and street sweeping for streets within the Purvis jurisdiction. The city is also responsible for the installation and maintenance of storm drains, catch basins, and drainage ditches along city streets, rights-of-ways, and dedicated storm water easements.
Traffic Lights
MDOT Engineering Department replaces traffic light bulbs in the city. Call 601-359-1454 to report a traffic light not functioning.
Street Signs
The Streets Division erects and maintains traffic, directional, and street name signs throughout the city. To report sign damage, theft, or request installation call 601-794-2472. Report fallen or missing stop signs immediately to 601-794-2472.
Report potholes by calling 601-794-2472.
Street Paving
The city uses a priority list to decide which streets to pave. It is broken down by a score which is provided during street inspection, which is called the Institute for Transportation Research and Education (ITRE) Study. The streets are scored on cracks, raveling, ruts, and ride ability to just name a few.
After the inspection is completed, each street is given a score from 0 to 100. The lower the score, the higher the street would be placed on the paving list.
The City will provide curbside collection during the week. Leaves must be in bags no larger than lawn or leaf-size (40 gallons or less). Bagged leaves must be left curbside by 7 a.m. Bulky materials such as brush and tree limbs are accepted. Larger limbs will need to be reduced in size before collection.
See details about recycling at the Lamar County website .
Trash Collection Services
Trash collection is provided to the City of Purvis by Waste Pro. Those residents and commercial properties located East of Highway 11 will be picked up Thursday mornings. Those residents and commercial properties located West of Highway 11 will be picked up Friday mornings. It is advised that trash be placed by the road the night before collection or early the morning of collection. If trash is not collected on the day stated, please notify City Hall at 601-794-2472 or call Waste Pro directly at 601-264-7888.
Schedule of Taxes, Fees & Charges FY 2018-2019 (PDF)
Find tips to help prevent shoplifting.
Prevent crimes from happening to your home.
Protect yourself with these tips.
Protect yourself from being sexually assaulted.
Excavation, Road Boring and Directional Drilling Permit
Request for Relief from Sewer Tax
Variance Application – Download HERE
Zoning Ordinance – Zoning Permit Application – Download HERE
Please choose a form and click on its name from the above list. The link will take you to an Adobe pdf file that you can complete directly on your computer and then save. You can also just print the form and hand complete it. Please make sure that when you have completed the form, sign it and submit to the City Office Clerk. This can be done by hand delivery or mailing it to 136 Shelby Speights Dr., Purvis, MS 39475 or by emailing an image of the form to [email protected].
Address: 125 Shelby Speights Drive
Email: [email protected]
Code Book
Download Volume 1 HERE!
Downland Volume 2 HERE! This is a large file and may take some time to download based on your internet service.
Variance Application – Download HERE
Zoning Ordinance – Zoning Permit Application – Download HERE
Working for you!
News & Events
Happening in Purvis
There will be a $3 increase to the monthly trash payment on the water bills. Waste Pro went up on their contractual amount to $17.55 per customer. However, The City of Purvis has decided to only raise what the customers pay to $16.85 from $13.85. The City will be responsible for the difference. Please let us know if you have…
Please click here to download the Water Quality Report for 2021. If you have any questions about the report, please contact the City Office. Thank you.
Good news! You can now visit the Coty of Purvis website and pay your utility bill. Just click on the NexBillPay logo that appears at the top and the bottom of the home page and register there for a NexBillPay account. It’s very simple and will allow you to pay your bill with your credit or debit card! If you…